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Welcome to the e-learning platform Virtual Reality job application training for school lessons.

This e-learning platform consists of:

  • A handbook about current trends in conducting job interviews, job requirements and sought-after skills
  • Five 360° videos about preparation and training for a job interview
  • Learning units about competency-based interview questions and strategies how to conduct a successful job interview
  • a digital training on job application training, competency-
    based interview questions and the use of VR technology

This handbook gives an overview about current trends on job interviews (traditional and digital) and soft skills employers look for.

Click on the document to access the handbook.

This section includes five 360° videos to prepare for a job interview and experience it.

You can either watch these videos in 360° on YouTube or by using virtual reality glasses.


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Video 1:
Appearance and preparation

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Video 2:
Preparation and professional behaviour

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Video 3:
A good start

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Video 4:
During the job interview

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Video 5:
End of the job interview and follow-up

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Animation video as recap

This section includes guidelines for teachers with methodological instructions for classroom activities to prepare for a job interview.


Job application documents

Preparation for a job interview

Interview training

This section is a digital training on job application training, competency-based interview questions and the use of VR technology.

Click on the following modules and then on the learning nuggets to discover more:

Module 1:

Digital teacher training on job application training

Nugget 1.1

Group Interviews

Nugget 1.2

Panel Interviews

Nugget 1.3

Soft Skills

Nugget 1.4

Hard Skills

Nugget 1.5

Admin competences

Nugget 1.6

Analytical competences

Nugget 1.7

Social competences

Module 2:

Competencybased interview questions

Nugget 2.1

Job interview style

Nugget 2.2

Video Interview

Nugget 2.3

Competence behaviour

Nugget 2.4

Effective communication in interviews

Module 3:

Training in the use of VR technology

Nugget 3.1

VR usage

Nugget 3.2

Designing with VR

Nugget 3.3

Content development with VR

Nugget 3.4

Game making with VR

The VIRIT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and ran from November 2020 to October 2022. This website and project contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.