EN / DE / IT / TR 


Game making with VR

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VR game development is rapidly becoming a popular investment. These computer games working with virtual reality generate millions of dollars a year. Which methods, devices and graphics are used to design these VR games? This learning unit focuses on the main steps as a roadmap for game making with VR. This learning unit includes a video about game making with VR and a form of analysis of a video game.


1. Students fill in the following form about their favourite video game and the teacher collects the form to understand students’ readiness: ‘’ANALYSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE VIDEO GAME FORM’’

2. Students watch the video to learn more about game making with VR and discuss the video with their classmates: ‘’GAME MAKING WITH VR’’

3. Collective discussion/brainstorming about the answers and game ideas.


40 minutes


Interactive video and word form

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Next in module 3:

Evaluation - Monitoring

The VIRIT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and ran from November 2020 to October 2022. This website and project contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.