Students need to know what is required by the local, national and international labour market, but first of all they need to be aware of what their skills and competences are and which of them are most relevant and valuable in a future job.
It is important to know which employability skills students already have and how they can provide evidence of these when they are applying for a job or going for a job interview.
You will find a section with activities, worksheets and games to introduce your students to the terminology used when job hunting or interviewing.
Self-evaluations activities can help candidates take a closer look at their own work performance and identify the best strengths, as well as areas for improvement.
In this section you will also find the most relevant information and tips and useful links on how to prepare important documents such as CV and cover letter.
Another section is dedicated to the preparation for a job interview through videos. The videos show two young people struggling to prepare for a job interview. Students can empathise with the issues raised and listen to peer suggestions. This will allow students to see if their expectations are being met or if they need to rethink some of the ideas they had in mind.
Each video is introduced by preparatory activities to better understand the topics covered. The viewing of the video is then followed by suggestions for exercises and activities to allow students to rework what they have seen, to focus on revise the key elements and engage in discussion with peers and the teacher.
A special section is dedicated to revision of the covered topics through individual and/or teams games and quizzes. This mode is particularly suitable for students with learning difficulties who would otherwise struggle to participate.
All activities are aimed at developing self-awareness in relation to a professional environment in which to build one’s adult identity.
The final section of the learning units is dedicated to the videos in which a simulated job interview takes place. Related activities that are proposed for students are role plays. Students are asked in turn to play a different role in order to acquire a greater awareness of the different phases of the job interview.
This activity is particularly important as it finds application in solving problems of interpersonal relationships, behavioural modification and resistance to change. The learner can play a full part by pretending to play a role; this interpretation inevitably leads to reflection on one’s own attitudes.
One of the objectives is precisely to acquire awareness of one’s own behaviour, it helps learners to acquire new methods of dealing with problematic situations and to develop diagnostic skills in relation to how to approach these situations.
Infographics examples of infographics are provided on what is and is not allowed at an interview. Students can draw inspiration for making descriptive posters, working as a group, to show to other class groups.
The VIRIT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and ran from November 2020 to October 2022. This website and project contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.