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Virtual Reality job application training for school lessons

Our VIRIT project brings virtual job application
training to schools around Europe

VIRIT is an Erasmus+ project that was developed over 2 years from 01.11.2020 to 31.10.2022 and addresses both students and teachers. It consists of a virtual job application training based on 360° videos to be used in vocational orientation and career guidance in school lessons or on project days. This project aims at improving the quality of vocational orientation at schools and complementing existing measures with virtual reality application training. It also enables teachers to strengthen their digital skills and helps students to strengthen their competences in vocational orientation and to promote key qualifications for their career entry.

The consortium includes the five following partners:

  • Euphoria Net is an Italian company specialised in the organisation and implementation of EU projects in education.
  • Instituto Tecnico Industriale „Leonardo Da Vinci“ (ITIS L. DA VINCI) is an Italian vocational school.
  • Izmit İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Izmit District Directorate of National Education IDDNE) is the largest state institution in the Turkish city of Izmit.
  • GEBKİM Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (GEBKİM Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School) is the first and only chemistry-oriented high school in Turkey.
  • Studio2B is a Berlin-based social enterprise that pursues the goal of making vocational orientation and vocational training more modern, creative and digital.

The VIRIT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and ran from November 2020 to October 2022. This website and project contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Elise Vernay
+49 30 634 99 87 21

Jasmin Siebold-Fournier
+49 30 634 99 87 21