Le seguenti attività consentono agli studenti di rivedere gli elementi
chiave dei video e li aiuteranno a discutere con i compagni e con
Visione e discussione dei video
La visione dei video permetterà agli studenti di capire se le loro
aspettative sono state soddisfatte o se hanno bisogno di rivedere
alcune delle idee che avevano in mente.
Ogni video è introdotto da attività preparatorie per comprendere meglio
gli argomenti trattati.
Kahoot (Word cloud e quiz)
Entrambe le attività Kahoot e Word cloud consentono agli studenti di
rivedere e discutere le abilità e le competenze personali e lavorative più
importanti sotto forma di giochi individuali e/o di squadra.
Questa modalità può essere utilizzata per animare i momenti di lavoro
in classe ed è particolarmente adatta agli studenti con difficoltà di
apprendimento che altrimenti farebbero fatica a partecipare. I siti e le
risorse suggerite evidenziano parole e concetti.
Quiz about forbidden questions
Quiz question 1/8
When you prepare for an interview ALL are important except
Quiz question 1/8
In an Interview you should wear all of the following except
Quiz question 1/8
All are common interview questions you should be prepared for, except
Quiz question 1/8
Being an active listener during an interview includes all, except
Quiz question 1/8
It is Ok for employers to show discrimination against someone's
Quiz question 1/8
It is ok for an Employer to ask if you have been convicted of a felony.
Quiz question 1/8
It is ok for an employer to ask if you have kids.
Quiz question 1/8
It is ok for an employer to not hire someone they consider too old.
Quiz question 1/8
It is ok for an employer to ask if you have a disability.
Quiz question 1/8
It is ok for an employer to ask you what your grades were like in high school.
Quiz question 1/8
It is important in an interview to ask what a typical day "looks like" if you worked there.
Quiz question 1/8
It is important in an interview to ask how many vacation days you get.
Quiz question 1/1
You have completed the Quiz!
Quiz about job interviews
Quiz question 1/8
A meeting between an employer and a job applicant to discuss possible employment is called a
Quiz question 1/8
Before going on a job interview, you should know the exact time and ________ of the interview.
Quiz question 1/8
The job interviewer asks questions to find out if you are a ______________ for the job.
Quiz question 1/8
Gestures, postures, and eye contact are considered to be
Quiz question 1/8
Positive body language is a key to making a good
Quiz question 1/8
Nodding and leaning forward show that you are
Quiz question 1/8
Eye contact and good posture show
Quiz question 1/8
Keeping your hands relaxed and still shows you are
Quiz question 1/8
After practicing for an interview, you should ask for _________________.
Quiz question 1/8
Constructive feedback is useful for future interviews because it helps
Quiz question 1/8
Documents that support your qualifications are called
Quiz question 1/8
Handshakes should always be
Quiz question 1/8
At the interview, have a seat when you enter the room.
Quiz question 1/8
Place your personal items on the floor, but never on the interviewer's desk.
Quiz question 1/8
Clothing should be clean but no one notices your shoes.
Quiz question 1/8
If you do not understand a question, pretend you do.
Quiz question 1/8
If you do not understand a question
Quiz question 1/8
Only cite _________ skills when answering questions.
Quiz question 1/8
________ before you go to an interview.
Quiz question 1/8
Before the interview, it is important to get relevant information about the company.
Quiz question 1/1
You have completed the Quiz!
La visione dei video è seguita da proposte di esercizi e attività da svolgere in classe. Queste attività consentono agli studenti di rielaborare quanto visto, di mettere a fuoco gli elementi chiave e di confrontarsi e discuterne con i compagni e con l’insegnante.
Video 1:
Aspetto e preparazione
Video 2:
Preparazione e comportamento professionale
Video 3:
Un buon inizio
The VIRIT project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and ran from November 2020 to October 2022. This website and project contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.